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What it's Like to Have the Best Job in America Right Now

Demand for this job increased more then 300 percent in three years.

13 Things Successful People Do Between Jobs

Career and workplace experts suggest taking at least one week off to allow yourself to refresh

Taking some time between jobs also gives your brain a chance to take a break, to process leaving your old job (which can be pretty emotional, whether you loved or hated it), and to prepare for all the new challenges to come, adds Sara Sutton Fell, CEO and founder of FlexJobs.

1. Get organized.


Minimize the stress of your first week in a new job by taking time to organize your personal life.
"Any projects around the house that have been nagging at the back of your mind? Now's the time to get them done," says Ryan Kahn, the founder of The Hired Group and creator of the best-selling How To Get Hired online course.

2. Schedule appointments and run errands.


3. Disconnect.


"Take advantage of not having to be reachable during the day, and stop checking your email or looking at Facebook for an afternoon or two," says Sutton Fell. "This gives you a chance to reset your brain."
Instead of staring at a screen for hours on end — which you'll probably have to do as soon as you start your new job — pick up a book you've been dying to read, or go take an exercise class you've been wanting to try.

Illegal Questions To Ask In An Interview

1 in 5 employers has unknowingly asked one of these questions

One third of employers indicated they didn't know the following questions were illegal to ask in an interview setting:
  • What is your religious affiliation?
  • What is your political affiliation?
  • How old are you?
  • Are you pregnant?
  • What is your race, color or ethnicity?
  • Are you disabled?
  • Are you married?
  • Are you in debt?
  • Do you have children or plan to?
  • Do you socially drink or smoke?
While some of the above questions might seem obvious not to ask, others are more tricky. With some questions, the legality is all in the wording. For example, asking if a candidate has ever been convicted of a crime is okay, but asking about his or her arrest record is not. Or while it's okay to ask if a job seeker is legally eligible for employment in the U.S., it's not legal to openly ask, "Are you a U.S. citizen?"