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9 Free Online Resources That Will Help You Advance Your Career

Find employer reviews on Glassdoor, or learn a new language with Duolingo

Glassdoor provides employee reviews of companies of all sizes with insight into what it's like to work there, as well as compensation data. You can use the info to prepare for job interviews or to negotiate your salary.

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Khan Academy
A Khan Academy account will get you access to hundreds of video lectures and exercises on a wide variety of topics, many of them narrated by the site's founder and executive director Sal Khan.

The site is especially useful if you want to learn specific topics rather than an entire subject, like how the stock market works and how to build a balance sheet.

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Coursera and edX
Coursera and edX may be competitors, but they're both worth checking out for their selection of in-depth courses from top universities like Stanford and UPenn.

Many courses are also highly practical rather than theoretical, like "Successful Negotiation" from the University of Michigan on Coursera or "Communicating Strategically" from Purdue on edX.

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Taking an introductory class in coding isn't going to get you a top engineering job at Google, but it could help you understand the mechanics of what you're working with every day, demystifying how software and websites function.

It's a great way to learn languages like HTML and CSS, JavaScript, jQuery, PHP, Python, and Ruby. Whether you want to become fluent in HTML to better maneuver your company's content management system or take skill-based classes like how to build an interactive website, Codeacademy will help you get there.

Learn how to code >>

Working for your paycheck is one thing, but if you want to learn how to make your paycheck work for you, LearnVest is a great resource. While you can purchase financial advisory services, its free in-depth articles will answer most of your general personal finance questions.

If you never learned how to budget or want to develop a retirement plan, LearnVest has you covered.

Develop healthy financial habits >>

Investopedia can be your go-to resource for learning about the world of finance. If you'd like to start taking advantage of compound interest or compound growth but can't tell a mutual fund from a hedge fund, you can explore Investopedia's many guides, instructional videos, and encyclopedia entries.

Grow your financial vocabulary >>

Y Combinator Startup Library
If you're considering leaving your job to start your own business or are just wondering what it would be like to have a fun side project, Y Combinator's Startup Library is a good place to get an idea of what it takes to be an entrepreneur.

Y Combinator is a seed fund that puts promising entrepreneurs through a rigorous bootcamp-like period that ends with a pitch to investors for serious amounts of capital. Its website's free library features insightful blog posts from YC cofounder Paul Graham on creating and developing companies, as well as links to external sources, like a guide to writing the perfect business plan from renowned Silicon Valley venture capital firm Sequoia Capital.

Pursue your entrepreneurial drive >>

Maybe your company opened a new office in Germany that could provide an exciting career opportunity you've been waiting for, but you don't know a word of German. Before pursuing an advanced course, you can learn the basics for free from Duolingo.

A 2012 independent study conducted by Roumen Vesselinov of the City University of New York and John Grego of the University of South Carolina found that 34 hours spent with Duolingo are equivalent to an 11-week semester of a language course.

Here's When Crying Can Actually Help You Win a Negotiation

Study: expressing sadness can increase your ability to "claim value"

1. If the crier is perceived as being in a lower-power position
Whether you're in tears in front of your supervisor or the company's CEO, your chances of leaving a negotiation happy are increased if you're viewed as a lower power.

"A person who perceives you as having lower power and feels concern for you may help you or make more concessions, leading you to gain relatively more," said Shirli Kopelman, one of the researchers and a professor at the Ross School of Business at the University of Michigan.

2. If the recipient expects a future interaction
Crying during a bombed job interview may provide no benefits for you because the interviewer may never see you again.

But if you're negotiating for a raise or extra time off with your current employer, they may be more sympathetic and concede to your request because you will most certainly be in contact again.

3. If the relationship is collaborative
There's a good chance a coworker would show you sympathy simply because they see you on a daily basis. (However, it is also safe to assume they would become very fed up with you if the sobbing became a common occurrence.)

15 Questions to Ask Yourself Before You Accept a Job in a New City

If your gut tells you "no," don't do it.

1. Have I done my homework on the new city, the new job, and the new company?

"Research, research, research," says Taylor. "It's one thing to do your homework on your next employer, but when your prospective new job requires you to uproot your life, it's time to do some serious sleuthing. The more you know about the job, company, and the new city, the more educated your decision — and the less stressful the choice will be."

2. Have I created a budget?

Create a budget, including cost of living. "Make sure that you remain financially responsible," she suggests. "Review the cost of living in the proposed city, your salary, and other income, as well as home, car, and other expenses, before agreeing to any offer."

There are several cost of living calculators online, such as those on Salary.com or Payscale.com.

3. Have I weighed the pros and cons?

As with any tough decision, it helps to make a pros and cons list. "Commit to writing all the positives of the relocation and the negatives that relate to each," Taylor says. "For example, Pro: I will get to explore a great big city. Con: I will miss my hometown friends. The bottom line is: What am I gaining and what am I forfeiting?"

4. Do I know everything I need to know about the job?

Ask informed questions — those that show you've done preliminary research. "Be sure that you completely understand the job description; meet your prospective boss and several coworkers at least twice at their offices; tour the new workplace; and get a sense of the work environment and culture."

5. Will I like my new boss?

Of course there's no way to answer this with complete certainty before you start working for them — but think about whether it would be a good fit. "Be sure to spend as much time with your new boss as you need," says Taylor.

"This person will have the most influence on your job satisfaction — more than any other single factor. Is your new manager someone you can learn from? Is your long-term career of genuine interest to your boss? Is there chemistry? Are there signs that raise concerns?"

6. Does the position offer growth?

Try to ascertain whether the position offers sufficient upward mobility, not just from where your career is now, but once you're on board.

"This is your opportunity to inquire about your career path," she says. "You can also ask about how others have taken on greater responsibility over time in the department. Just be sure not to sound overly aggressive and to frame it as a desire to grow and learn."

7. Is the salary desirable, and is it adjusted to the cost of living in this new place?

Make sure that the salary you're offered is competitive and worth the big move.

"A general rule of thumb is that you should earn 10% to 20% more than your current salary when changing jobs in the same city," she explains. "But when you're relocating, you can generally be a little more aggressive, depending on your industry, current salary and background — unless the cost of living is significantly lower in the new city."

Do your research online and find out what the salaries are for your specialty in the new city. Remember to take into consideration other factors, such as benefits, incentives, and advancement opportunities, says Taylor.

8. Am I familiar with the company's track record and understand its growth outlook?

This is not just about your job, or even a department. It's also about the company you're joining. (You wouldn't want to uproot your whole live for a company that has a grim-looking future.)

"Make sure you have clarity on their past growth and future prospects," Taylor suggests. "If they're not public, you may have to do more due diligence and ask more questions, without coming across as intrusive."

Ideally, you want to contribute to a growing team, company, and industry when making this level of commitment, so better to know all you can upfront.

9. Have I used social media to dig deeper?

Through LinkedIn, chat boards, various websites (like Glassdoor), and blogs, you can find out a lot about companies from current and former employees.

"Retention or turnover levels are a good topic to ask about when considering a relocation," says Taylor. "A company with a revolving door reputation would suggest a large, billowing red flag."

10. Does the new metro have a strong employment market?

"You should be relatively assured that you'd be marketable in that city and happy to stay there should things fall apart," she says. "Is your job general enough and in sufficient demand in the new city? What is the employment rate there? Who makes up the employment base? Could you pursue interim or project work between jobs?"

11. Have I discussed and negotiated moving allowances?

"Understand and be able to negotiate allowances, ranging from the move itself, to arrangements for the sale of your home if you don't sell in a certain period (if applicable), what they will pay for, whether there is a contract or severance package and so on," recommends Taylor. "Policies will vary from one company to another, so tread lightly and diplomatically."

12. Do I know anyone in this new city? Am I willing to leave certain people behind?

There is much more to a job relocation than a job.

Consider the personal side of this move, she says. "Are there family members, relatives, or friends in the new city? Some that you hate to leave behind? It's helpful for some to have a friend in the new town who can make them feel welcome and supported," she adds.

Some people make friends easily and find that to be a rewarding new challenge. "Just be true to yourself and have realistic expectations."

13. Have I talked to my family about what they want?

You may well have to take into consideration the opinion of others before getting too amped about the relocation.

"Check in with all those affected — like your partner, kids, parents, siblings, or anyone who you feel might be impacted," says Taylor.

"On the flip side, the new job could take you closer to family members or friends. Having open and honest communications with all those involved will be critical."

14. Have I spent enough time in this new city or town, and is this community the right place for my family and me?

"There's nothing like being there," she explains.

Think about what's most important to you and your family, and find out whether the new location offers these things.

Spend time looking at housing, local schools, traffic patterns at various times of the day, and places where you would pursue activities outside work. Check out the local attractions, parks, beaches, shopping, restaurants, clubs, and cultural or religious organizations.

"Also ask about the climate year-round and talk to as many people as you can," says Taylor. "And if you can, try to attend a professional business or industry meeting during your travels to get a sense of the 'professional climate,' as well."

15. What is my gut telling me?

Most often, your gut instincts are accurate. The problem is that people don't always follow them.