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Five degrees with high-pay potential

Source: Yahoo
Degrees That Could Pay You Back

These bachelor's degrees could prepare you to pursue careers that pay - on average - over $60K per year.

By Sarita Harbour
Are you thinking about going back to school? If so, you'll want to consider your area of study carefully.
That's because what you major in at college can affect what you make once you're out in the real world. In fact, the Georgetown University Center on Education and Workforce's 2013 study, "Hard Times: College Majors, Unemployment & Earnings" found that your choice of degree may play a critical role in your future earnings.
To help you sort through your options, we went to the U.S. Department of Labor and took a look at a variety of high-paying jobs - to the tune of $60K and up - and which degrees were considered good preparation.
Keep reading to learn more about six degrees that could help you prepare to pursue some great-paying gigs.

Degree #1: Computer Science

Find Degree Programs If you consider yourself both logical and creative, then you might want to pursue a bachelor's in computer science.
Why could this degree be worth the investment? Well, you've probably noticed that computer systems are everywhere, from the apps on your smartphone to the cash register at your local department store. "Practically every business relies on software and the internet, so the job possibilities are almost endless," says Julie Erickson, a career coach and blogger at myrightfitjob.com. And the in-demand skills you might learn in this type of program could translate into many careers with a hefty salary.
Next step: Click to Find the Right Computer Science Program.
Careers You Could Pursue - And What They Might Pay:*
Database Administrator - $77,080
Computer Systems Analyst - $79,680
Software Developer, Applications - $90,060

Degree #2: Graphic Design

Find Degree Programs Since visual information is everywhere, the ability to communicate through graphic design is a hot commodity. And earning a bachelor's in graphic design plus gaining additional years of experience could really pay off.
"Visual images and design are integral to everything on the internet, as well as traditional advertising, marketing, and promotion," Erickson explains. Studying graphic design could prepare you to work on a variety of types of projects - from video games and apps to movies and television, she adds.
Next step: Click to Find the Right Graphic Design Program.
Careers You Could Pursue - And What They Might Pay:*
Multimedia Artist or Animator - $61,370
Art Director - $80,880

Degree #3: Engineering

Find Degree Programs Are you interested in making a living out of building things? Then you may want to consider a bachelor's degree in engineering.
Earning this degree could pay off because it teaches skills transferrable to so many industries, such as working in teams, says Erickson. She adds that many areas of infrastructure require engineering degrees - from repairing bridges and tunnels to helping solve environmental problems.
Next step: Click to Find the Right Engineering Program.
Careers You Could Pursue - And What They Might Pay:*
Civil Engineer - $79,340
Environmental Engineer - $80,890
Sales Engineer - $91,830

Degree #4: Accounting

Find Degree Programs Do you love working with numbers more than anything else? Then you may want to earn a bachelor's degree in accounting, which could open doors to many job opportunities.
Conducting business across the globe is becoming more complex due to globalization, increased government regulation, and tightening purse strings, says Marie Zimenoff, a certified career coach and president of the National Resume Writers' Association. And candidates with an accounting degree may be able to prove their worth to companies. "They have learned the basic accounting principles, how to research ever-changing laws, and financial management methods that a modern operation needs to compete," says Zimenoff.
Next step: Click to Find the Right Accounting Program.
Careers You Could Pursue - And What They Might Pay:*
Accountant and Auditor - $63,550
Personal Financial Advisor - $67,520
Financial Analyst - $76,950

Degree #5: Communications

Find Degree Programs Don't mind taking center stage? Have a knack for talking to people? Then you should consider earning a bachelor's in communications.
Demand for multi-skilled workers is going up while the quality of communication skills is going down, Zimenoff says. This makes the range of skills taught in a communications degree program valuable to potential employers. "These degrees tend to be broad, teaching the fundamentals of verbal and written communications for all purposes," she explains.
Next step: Click to Find the Right Communications Program.
Careers You Could Pursue - And What They Might Pay:*
Technical Writer - $65,500
Public Relations Manager - $95,450