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Dead-End Degrees That Will Get You Nowhere

Source: Yahoo

Dead-End Degrees That Will Get You Nowhere

It doesn't take a crystal ball to know which degrees have dim or bright job prospects...

Trying to decide on a college major? You may want to look before you leap. According to a study from the Georgetown University Center on Education, while the average unemployment rate for all recent college graduates* is 7.9 percent, this figure differs significantly from one degree to another.
So how's an aspiring student to decide?
"Choose a major that lines up well with your current experience or in an area you are passionate about," suggests David Bakke, a financial columnist at Money Crashers, an online resource for personal finance, education, and career advice. He also urges students to think carefully about life after college. "You might be searching for a job a bit longer if you choose a major in an industry that isn't doing much hiring."
Bakke's not the only one urging caution..."The job market is flooded with new grads who selected majors that offer little chance of employment or return on investment of their education. A little planning could help many students from graduating with an unmarketable degree in a competitive job market," says college and career strategist Elizabeth Venturini of CollegeCareerResults.com, an online service providing personalized college and career plans for students.
To help with your planning, we've combed through the Georgetown Report's study to identify which degrees you may want to avoid, and which might have brighter prospects.
Keep reading to learn more...
Think twice about these degrees:

Dead-End Degree #1:Information Systems

While we often hear about how crucial technology will be to our future, that does not mean that all tech degrees are in-demand. Take a bachelor's in information systems. According to the Georgetown study, this degree had a whopping unemployment rate of 14.7 percent for recent college grads.
This degree is becoming outdated, says Bakke, "mostly due to the fact that computer software programs can now complete a lot of the tasks and responsibilities previously held by information systems majors," says Bakke.
Dead-set on earning this degree? "Partner your information systems major with a computer science major or minor to make yourself more marketable," Bakke recommends. Why? "Computer science has more to do with developing new and cutting-edge technology [than information systems], a skill that will always be in demand in today's tech-driven world," Bakke explains.
Next step: Click to Find the Right Information Systems Program.

Hot Degree #1:Nursing

Find Programs Choosing to earn a bachelor's in nursing can be rewarding in more ways than one. In addition to preparing to pursue a career helping others, the outlook appears bright. The unemployment rate for recent nursing graduates was 4.8 percent, reports the Georgetown study.
"The demand for RNs continues to grow, primarily due to a growing and aging population," says Jeremy Enck, vice president of sales at Fortus Healthcare Resources, a leading healthcare recruiting firm. "There is a shortage of good prospective employees with [registered nursing] degrees."
Next step: Click to Find the Right Nursing Program.
Want to stand out? "?Attain a [bachelor's of science in nursing], learn another language, and be flexible on where you want to reside, and you will never want for another job as a nurse," says Enck.
Potential career:**

Dead-End Degree #2:Architecture

Hoping to make your mark as the next Frank Lloyd Wright? Not so fast - a bachelor's degree in architecture might mean facing a higher unemployment rate than you're expecting. According to the Georgetown study, the unemployment rate for recent college graduates who majored in architecture was 12.8 percent.
This is in large part due to the housing market collapse, says Bakke. "Although it's on its way back, it still has a ways to go - and the housing market isn't expected to fully recover at least for another five years."
Dead-set on earning this degree? "Participate in an internship to improve your skill set and make key business contacts," suggests Bakke.
Next step: Click to Find the Right Architecture Program.

Hot Degree #2:Elementary Education

Find Programs Have you always enjoyed learning? Perhaps you'd like to be on the other side of the teacher's desk one day. Then, a bachelor's degree in elementary education might be right for you. Plus, recent college grads who majored in elementary education saw a low unemployment rate of just 5 percent, according to the Georgetown study.
"This degree faces a lower unemployment rate mostly due to a teacher shortage, especially in low-income areas of the country," says Bakke. He adds that a high retirement rate amongst teachers is one more reason this degree is in such high demand.
Next step: Click to Find the Right K-12 Education Program.
Want to stand out? "Get your master's degree in elementary education to improve marketability," says Bakke. The U.S. Department of Labor notes that some states actually require teachers to get their master's degree after earning their teaching certification.
Potential careers:**

Dead-End Degree #3:Anthropology

Fascinated by world cultures? Before you spend the time, energy - and money - on a bachelor's in anthropology, take a look at its unemployment rate: 12.6 percent, notes the Georgetown study.
"The unemployment rate for this major is so high mainly because this degree is only good for those seeking an educator position at the college level," says Bakke. "Pursuing a career as a college educator is difficult, but you'll typically need a master's degree or more, and there just aren't that many students choosing to take classes in anthropology."
And beyond the academic setting, there just aren't many job prospects. "The skill set of anthropology majors just isn't in high demand," Bakke explains. "Skills learned studying anthropology simply aren't relevant in the general job market."
Dead-set on earning this degree? "Shoot for an advanced degree," Bakke says. Findings from the Georgetown study appear to back this up. According to the study, the unemployment rate dropped to 4.6 percent for graduate degree-holders in this field.
Next step: Click to Find the Right Program.

Hot Degree #3:Finance

Find Programs Money talks, and this bachelor's degree could help you join the conversation. According to the Georgetown study, the unemployment rate for recent finance graduates was 5.9 percent.
This is mostly due to "an uptick in government regulation in the financial industry... which makes finance majors highly marketable," says Bakke.
The recent passage of the Dodd-Frank Act has made it a lot more difficult for financial firms and related businesses to comply with new standards and regulations, Bakke explains. "The Act also calls for the creation of many different offices, councils, and bureaus that businesses must adhere to. That has resulted in increased marketability for finance majors."
Next step: Click to Find the Right Finance Program.
Want to stand out? "Choose a specialty such as accounting or economics," suggests Bakke. "A specialized degree makes you stand out more to a company looking to fill a specific financial position."
Potential careers:**

Dead-End Degree #4:Film, Video, and Photography Arts

Think a bachelor's degree in film, video, or photography will mean a life of creative fulfillment and satisfaction? It's a beautiful dream, but the reality might make you reconsider. According to the Georgetown study, the unemployment rate for recent film, video, and photography arts graduates was 11.4 percent.
"This is mainly because employment opportunities for these majors are limited geographically to New York City and Los Angeles," explains Bakke. "Outside of the major entertainment centers in this country, there's little demand for this major." Worse, even if you do live in a major entertainment center, your chances of finding a job aren't great, since there's a great deal of competition in this industry, he explains.
Dead-set on earning this degree? "Try to find an internship (preferably a paid one) or volunteer at an appropriate organization while you're still in school to start obtaining real-world experience," says Bakke.
Next step: Click to Find the Right Film & Video Program.

Hot Degree #4:Marketing and Marketing Research

Find Programs Do you like to keep your finger on the pulse of social media? If you want to translate that interest into a career, consider pursuing a bachelor's degree in marketing or market research. The unemployment rate for marketing and marketing research recent graduates was 6.6 percent, according to the Georgetown study.
One reason that rate is so low? "Every single organization, if they plan to be successful, will have a marketing function," says Dawn Edmiston, assistant professor of management and marketing at Saint Vincent College in Latrobe, Pa.
Next step: Click to Find the Right Marketing Program.
Want to stand out? "Study social media while in school," Bakke suggests. "Social media is a key element in the marketing strategy of most businesses. It's a must-have skill set for marketers."
Potential careers:**

Dead-End Degree #5:Political Science

"House Of Cards" fan? Don't assume earning your bachelor's in political science will land you a job working for a White House staffer. Political science had a high unemployment rate of 11.1 percent for recent college graduates, notes the Georgetown study. Wondering why?
"The main reason for this is that this major is typically suited only for those seeking to run for political office," says Bakke. "A bachelor's degree in political science isn't good for general business, because the things you learn just aren't applicable outside the world of politics." Even if you hope to run for office, "There's very little projected job growth in this area," according to Bakke.
Dead-set on earning this degree? "Choose an additional major or minor to make yourself more marketable," advises Bakke. His suggestion? "Partner it with a major or minor in business administration, which is much more attractive to potential employers."
Next step: Click to Find the Right Program.

Hot Degree #5:Business Management and Administration

Find Programs Looking for a versatile degree with good prospects? Consider business management and administration. Aside from the professional doors this degree could open, the Georgetown study lists the unemployment rate for business management and administration majors at 7.8 percent.
"The unemployment rate is so close to the average more than likely because of the recent recession and its effect on businesses," Bakke says. "I would expect this number to decrease as the economy continues to recover." Why?
"Business management and administration majors learn about organizing, planning, and directing and leading a business," Bakke explains. "Since that covers such a broad spectrum, there is a high demand for these majors from virtually all businesses and companies."
Next step: Click to Find the Right Business Administration Program.
Want to stand out? "Consider going for an MBA to make yourself even more marketable," says Bakke.
Potential careers:**